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Parish Resources : these are examples of what we can make up for you if required
Parish resources
Below is how to advertise the Retreat in your Parish

The poster for parishes will print out nicely on A3 sized paper. We can edit it to suit high schools or other groups, please let us know.
This poster is put up in the Parish foyer or entrance area : a Parish will require 1-2 posters per Church.
Just click and drag the poster on to your desktop or right click - please call Coby with any queries.
This flyer is a sample notice for distribution as a loose leaf insert with the Parish bulletin (if printing out) or is easily distributed electronically if your bulletin is done that way.
This is set up for A5
paper but suitable for A4 as well.
Just click and drag the document on to your desktop or right click and save - please call Coby if any queries

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