Our Mission : To lead ourselves closer to Our Lady and St Joseph, (who will in turn, lead us to Jesus) and provide the tools for us to consecrate ourselves to them and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Who are we : We are a group of volunteers who have all done Mary's Mantle Retreat and wish to share it (along with other prayers) with many of you.
In Lent 2021 we delivered our first retreat with over 110 people joining us! "Through Our Lady" website was then created and went live on 13 May 2021 - Our Lady of Fatima Feast Day! Our next retreat spread by grace to 235+ participants in Australia, UK, Africa, South Africa, US and Vietnam! Our subsequent retreats continue to attract both previous and new participants from around the country, and in fact, the world - this growth is all word of mouth so thank you and let's keep bringing peace and unity to the world!
Next retreat : Since going to Medugorje, Bosnia in April 2023, we made the decision to make more time for private prayer at home and in our parishes. We are having a break from running retreats. Please continue to do your annual Mary's Mantle Retreat by yourself or in your local parishes where you can gather others together. A reminder that all retreats end on a Marian Feast Day or in the case of St Joseph Consecrations, on one of his feast days - 19th March or 1st May.
Our Lady continually says in her messages for us to be fraternal and particularly to strive for unity inside our own homes, these two consecrations will most certainly assist in that goal.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you wish to discuss how to run these in your family or your parish.