We are a community of people with a love for Our Lady & St Joseph
Mary & Joseph love us so much, they want to draw us to their son Jesus so that we will be saved.
We wish to draw others to Mary & Joseph so that they can show us the way to Jesus.
Start here with us.
Let Mary lead us, she is our guiding light..... Why do we believe this?
At the Marriage feast of Cana it was Mary who alerted Jesus to the fact that the wine had run out. Jesus said that it was not yet His time, but Mary quietly asked the servant to get pitchers of water ready. When they tasted the water, it had become the best wine in the district. (John 2:1-11) Jesus so respected His mother. He listened to her and did as she wanted. Just as when we were children and needed something, we went to our mum so that she could talk to dad about it, because we thought that she could succeed where we could not.
At the time of His crucifixion, Jesus gave His mother to John, not only to him, but to all of us.(John 19: 25-29)
We believe that Mary is our Heavenly Mother and we can go to her with all our joys, needs and sorrows at any time. If we allow her, she will love us, console us and guide us to her beloved Son Our Lord Jesus.
She can intercede on our behalf.
Let us lead you to Mary, the Blessed Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ
We hope to do this through sharing a variety of exciting options with you - many of which
can be done individually, with family, prayer groups, schools or parishes, in the comfort of your home

Various beautiful devotions to the Precious Blood of Jesus as given to Barnabas.
For more information -
Cenacle of the Precious Blood